Homeopathy Medicine for Marasmus


Marasmus is one of the most severe forms of protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) in the world, characterized by the chronic wasting away of fat, muscle, and other tissues in the body.

Children in developing nations like Africa, Latin America, and South Asia are more likely to experience marasmus than children in developed nations like the United States or Europe because of poverty, a lack of access to healthy food, and contaminated water. Contaminated water may contain bacteria or parasites that enter the body when consumed and cause infections that make the condition worse.

General marasmus symptoms include chronic diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, and rapid weight loss. If the disease is solely brought on by poor nutrition, then a change in diet should be sufficient to correct the issue and prevent recurrence. Marasmus that is connected to an underlying disease may require additional treatment. Marasmus symptoms will vary depending on the severity and whether associated infections or other conditions are present.

Symptoms of

Depending on how malnourished a person is, marasmus symptoms can be mild to severe.

Common symptoms of Marasmus

Any of these marasmus symptoms occasionally can be severe, whether you experience them frequently or only occasionally:

  • Chronic or persistent diarrhea
  • Distended abdomen
  • Dizziness
  • Dry, peeling skin
  • Emaciated appearance (unlike Kwashiorkor)
  • getting too big or too small for one’s age
  • Fatigue

Symptoms that might indicate a serious condition

  • Lethargy, alteration in consciousness, or fainting
  • Leg paralysis, whether complete or partial
  • control over one’s bowels or bladder
  • Prolonged vomiting or diarrhea

Causes of Marasmus

Marasmus is a type of malnutrition that affects people who consume insufficient amounts of protein and calories, which causes the body to experience an energy deficit. Marasmus most frequently affects children in areas with high rates of poverty and is most common in developing countries or in countries where poverty, along with insufficient food supplies and contaminated water, are widespread.

Risk factors

Not everyone with risk factors for marasmus will develop the condition, but there are a number of risk factors to be aware of:

  • Chronic hunger
  • Contaminated water supplies
  • Inadequate food supplies
  • Vitamin A, E, or K deficiencies, among others
  • diet that is poor and unbalanced and deficient in protein, grains, and fruits and vegetables


If the marasmus is related to an underlying disease, then seek appropriate treatment for that disease. A nourishing, well-balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, and protein will lower the risk of malnutrition and any associated marasmus.

  • diet that is balanced and nutrient-rich
  • talking to your doctor about your symptoms
  • Drinking properly sanitized water
  • adhering to the infection-specific treatment protocol


Malnutrition and its associated complications can cause delays in physical and mental development in infants and young children, and are particularly serious in these age groups. Serious complications of untreated marasmus can include:

  • Growth problems in children
  • Joint deformity and destruction
  • Loss of strength
  • Blindness and vision loss
  • Organ failure or dysfunction
  • Unconsciousness and coma

Homeopathic Treatment of Marasmus

AbrotanumThe skin is flabby and hangs loosely in folds in children with marasmus, who also have legs that are noticeably underweight.

Baryta CarbonicaChildren with scrofula are small-for-their-age, never grow, have swollen abdomens, experience frequent colic attacks, have bloated faces, and are generally undernourished.

Calcarea PhosphoricaChildren who are emaciated, unable to stand, learning to walk slowly, and having a sunken, flabby abdomen are spare subjects for anaemic, dark-skinned people with dark hair and eyes.

Hepar SulphurPeople with light complexions, slow reflexes, soft, flabby muscles, and torpid lymphatic constitutions should be avoided.

IodumA person with scrofulous diathesis is described as having dark or black hair and eyes, a low cachetic condition, profound debility, and extreme emaciation. They also have ravenous hunger and eat well but constantly lose flesh.

Natrum MuriaticumGreat emaciation, losing muscle while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, throat and neck of children emaciate rapidly during the summer are all complaints for the anemic and cachetic individual.

SaniculaThe child’s emaciation is advancing; they appear old, grubby, brownish, and greasy. The skin around their necks is wrinkled and hangs in folds.

SarsaparillaMANAGEMENTManagement of moderate marasmus can be done on an outpatient basis; however, severe marasmus or marasmus complicated by a life-threatening condition typically requires inpatient treatment. In these cases, management is divided into an initial intensive phase followed by a consolidation phase (rehabilitation), preparing for outpatient follow-up management. In children, enlarged abdomen; dry, flabby skin. Great emaciation; skin shrivelled or lies in folds.

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