Homeopathy Medicine for Pica


The disorder, known as pica, affects 10% to 30% of young children between the ages of 1 and 6, and can also happen in children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, such as autism. On rare occasions, pregnant women crave strange, nonfood items. The most common items eaten with pica are dirt, clay, and flaking paint, with less common items including glue, hair, cigarette ashes, and feces.


The nonfood item the individual has consumed is associated with pica symptoms, which include:

  • Stomach upset.
  • Stomach pain.
  • blood in the stool (which could be an indication of an ulcer brought on by non-food items eaten).
  • diarrhea or constipation, which are gastrointestinal issues.

Because nonfood items are toxic, poisonous, and bacterial in nature, consuming them repeatedly over time can result in the following symptoms:

  • eating lead-containing paint chips, which results in lead poisoning.
  • a tear or obstruction in the intestines (caused by eating rocks or other hard objects).
  • Injuries to teeth.
  • Infections (caused by microbes and parasites that enter the body and cause illness)


The following are the leading contributors to pica:

  • pregnancy
  • mental retardation or autism spectrum disorders are examples of developmental conditions
  • schizophrenia is one example of a mental illness
  • cultural practices that revere or attribute healing powers to specific non-food substances
  • malnourishment, especially iron-deficiency anemia


If you pay close attention to eating habits and supervise kids who tend to put things in their mouths, you may be able to catch pica early, before complications can happen. If your child has been diagnosed with pica, you can reduce his or her risk of eating nonfood items by keeping those items out of reach in your home. Be sure to monitor your child’s outdoor play, as it can lead to accidental ingestion.


Antimonium crudum:

a desire for vegetables and raw food

Loss of appetite

abdomen swelling following a meal

inability to tolerate the heat of the sun, as opposed to exhaustion from excessive sun exposure and heat

dislike of taking a cold bath and the resulting irritation

Tendency to grow fat

Thick milky white-coated tongue


Bread, pickles, and acids cravings and intolerance

Irritable, snarky, and unable to stand being touched or looked at


a desire for raw rice, acids, coffee or tea grounds, cloves, chalk, charcoal, or starch

One of the most effective treatments for lead poisoning (a pica complication) is aluminum oxide.

Thin delicate children

Dryness of the skin and mucous membranes

Constipation, days where you don’t want to poop, and soft stools that need a lot of straining

Exhausted physically and mentally

Aversion to potatoes

Mild, cheerful disposition

Calcarea carbonica:

having a penchant for pencils, chalk, and coal

Cold-sensitive patient, easily caught

Fat, fair, flabby

Pale, weak, easily tired

During sleep, the head frequently perspires

tendency to enlarge the lymphatic glands

Aversion to milk and meat and a desire for eggs

Sour smelling discharges

timid, fearful, frightened, sluggish, and slow

Longing for fresh air

Culcaria phosphorica:

Desires clay, earth, chalk, pencils, lime, slate, etc.

as you eat, your stomach aches.

Distended abdomen

Feeble digestion

Unable to stand, rickety, and a chilly patient

Easy perspiration

slow to pick up walking

aggravation from wet, cold, changing weather, and mental effort

cravings for smoked and raw foods

Wanderlust, restlessness, and discontent

Cicuta virosa:

abnormal appetite for foods like coal, cabbage, chalk, and charcoal that are cherished

Grinding of teeth

Chilly patient

Easily bent backward and convulsive

Skin eruptions that were suppressed in the past

Crazy, stupid, and making odd gestures while singing and dancing

Natrum muriaticuam:

Craving for salt

The digestion of food is laborious.

Worse from eating

Hot patient

Poorly nourished

severe muscle loss and marked emaciation despite eating well

Oily, greasy face

dislike of fatty foods and bread

Nitricum acidum:

Desiring lime, slate, pencil, papers, and charcoal

specifically fissures in the rectum and mouth corners, cracks in the muco-cutaneous junction

Cold-sensitive patient, easily caught

Thin built, sickly

Desires fat and salt

Disposed to diarrhoea

Strong smelling urine

obstinate, irritable, fearful, vindictive, and easily startled by light and noise

Nux vomica:

craving pepper, chalk, and charcoal

Chilly patient, thin

Craves fats, spicy food

Yellowish tongue coating on the backside

excessive sensitivity to light, sound, smell, or music

Nervous disposition

Fast, brisk, zealous, and agitated

Hasty, vindictive, and using violence


a desire for raw foods, sand, and lime

Patient is extremely chilly, and all symptoms—aside from stomach complaints—are made better by the cold.

Profuse, offensive discharges

excessive sweating, particularly on feet

Easy suppuration, glandular affinity

head size and an enlarged belly

Slow to learn to walk because of weak ankles

obstinate, with a firm head, and tears at being treated kindly

Nervous, uneasy, overly sensitive, sour, afraid, etc.

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