SBL Convallaria Majalis 30 CH (30ml) : For uterine complaints, palpitations, flatulence, Morning sickness


Also known as

Contralaria M



30 CH




82 (gms)


3.5 cm by 3.5 cm by 9.5 cm

Convallaria Majalis(Dilution)

Common Name: Flower of the Valley

Causes & Symptoms for Convallaria Majalis

  • Uterine and cardiac complaints together point to convallaria.
  • Constant heart palpitations and severe uterine pain are characteristics of Convallaria.
  • Numerous symptoms include sleepiness.
  • Vertigo and gastrointestinal problems along with heart disease.

Body and Mind

When reading, the mind tends to stray from the subject; dullness and mental lassitude are signs of convallaria.

The vertex of the scalp is painful and sensitive; it is best to get some fresh air.

Nose, eyes

Convallaria relieves dull eyelid pains, headaches, and neck pain on the right side.

Coryza complaints and epistaxis.

Throat and Mouth

Convallaria relieves the intense redness and pain of the tongue.

When inhaled, water feels raw in the back of the throat, tastes bitter, and is hot to the touch.

belly and stomach

vomiting during the morning.

Pain in the hypogastrium that is dull and aching and feels sore when you cough.

Convallaria is indicated by severe colic and sudden onset and slow resolution of pain.

Anus and Stool

Convallaria is indicated by rectus discomfort that is not alleviated by passing flatus.

bladder issues

Convallaria relieves excessive, repulsive, and scanty urination.

women’s grievances

Scroiliac joint pain that improves with lying down.

feeling that the uterus had retroverted and descended, pressing on the anus and the rectum, with excruciating pain that never stopped.

Convallaria relieves itching near the vagina and the urinary meatus.

Back and Neck

Convallaria is indicated by back and wrist pain as well as back-ache-inducing chills.


ankles and wrists are aching.


Convallaria relieves blotches that itch terribly and resemble mosquito bites.


When venous stasis is evident, convallaria is indicated by fluttering at the heart during exercise that lasts for about a minute and feels as though the heart stopped beating before starting again abruptly.

Post-lying-down, symptoms improve.

Side effects of Convallaria Majalis

Although there are no such side effects, it is still important to take each medication according to the instructions.

Even if you are taking other forms of medication, such as those obtained through allopathy, ayurveda, etc., it is safe to take the medication.

The effectiveness of other medications is never hampered by homeopathic remedies.

Dosage and rules while taking Convallaria Majalis

Three times per day, mix five drops in a half cup of water.

The globules can also be used as medicine; take them as directed by your doctor, usually three times per day.

We advise you to use medical advice when taking.

Precautions while taking Convallaria Majalis

If you take medication, make sure to wait 15 minutes between eating and taking it.

Consult a homeopathic doctor prior to use if you are pregnant or nursing.

While taking medication, refrain from consuming alcohol or tobacco.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic medicines have a variety of uses and are prescribed based on symptom similarity; it is assumed that you have sought medical advice before purchasing this medication and are not self-medicating.

BrandSBL Dilutions
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Homeo FormsDilution
Potency30 CH / 30CH
Price₹ 85

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