Homeopathy Medicine for Molluscum Contagiosum


A viral skin infection called molluscum contagiosum causes nodules or papules that are raised and resemble pearls.

  • Around 17% of young children between the ages of 2 and 12 are affected by it, and it most frequently affects the face, neck, hands, and armpits, though it can occur anywhere on the body besides the palms and soles.
  • Molluscum contagiosum, a sexually transmitted infection, typically affects the genitalia and groin in adults.
  • Rubbing or scratching the eruptions spreads the virus to the nearby skin, causing the molluscum to grow. The virus is spread through direct skin-to-skin contact and through contact with contaminated objects such as doorknobs, tap handles, toys, swimming pools, and so on.
  • Additionally, since five to twenty percent of immune-compromised individuals with AIDS and HIV also have the symptomatic molluscum contagiosum virus, the patient with molluscum contagiousum should be tested for HIV and AIDS.
  • Secondary infections, bleeding, discomfort, itching, and potential scarring are a few of the problems that cause molluscum contagiosum patients to seek medical attention. These problems are also often accompanied by social and emotional problems, such as fear of embarrassment, disruption of one’s appearance, social exclusion, and worry that they might spread the condition to others.

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  • You can contract molluscum contagiosum in a variety of ways, and the infection is brought on by a virus that belongs to the poxvirus family.
  • The most common sites for this infection in children are the face, neck, armpit, hands, and armpits, but it can affect any part of the body except the palms and soles when a child comes into direct contact with a lesion.
  • Towels, clothing, or toys that have been exposed to the virus can spread it to other people.
  • Early genital lesions may be mistaken for herpes or warts, but the virus also spreads through sexual contact, and unlike herpes, these lesions are not painful.
  • Molluscum contagiosum may rapidly worsen in people whose immune systems are compromised (by diseases like AIDS, for example).


  • The molluscum lesion typically starts as a small, painless papule that may rise up to a pearly, flesh-colored nodule, and the papule frequently has a dimple in the center. Scratching or other irritation causes the virus to spread in a line or in groups, called crops.

  • Unless you have been picking or scratching at the lesions, there is typically no inflammation and consequently no redness. The papules are about 2 to 5 millimeters wide.

  • A white, cheesy, or waxy central core or plug is frequently present in skin lesions.

  • Adults frequently experience these lesions on their genitalia, abdomen, and inner thighs.

    For people with skin issues, taking homeopathic medications over an extended period of time can help boost immunity and provide good skin nourishment.

    Homeopathy is highly recommended for treating molluscum contagiosum because it improves a patient’s vitality and immunity and aids in the body’s ability to heal itself by promoting the body’s natural ability to fight disease.

    1. ThujaThe eruptions that require Thuja are typically found on the covered parts of the body with suppressed sweat. – Thuja is indicated for eruptions like molluscum and wart-like eruptions that are found close to the rectal region and scratching the eruptions makes them worse.

    2. SulphurSulphur is indicated when itching and burning make the condition worse, the skin is rough, and there is soreness in the folds of the skin. Sulphur is a wonderful homeopathic remedy for molluscum contagiosum when used in the potentized form.

    3. TuberculinumOne homoeopathic drug used to treat molluscum is tuberculinum, which is frequently prescribed to patients to prevent recurrence of the condition.

    4. Kali BromatumOne of the typical homoeopathic treatments for eruptions that start on limbs and spread over the entire body, excluding the face, is kali bromatum. The eruptions are typically cherry-red at their circumference, have an onion-peel color in the center, turn white on pressure or when the affected limb is exerted, and have generally decreased sensitivity.


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