Homeopathy Medicine for Swollen Lymph Nodes


Rarely, cancer can be the cause of swollen lymph nodes; instead, they are typically caused by bacterial or viral infection.

The lymph nodes, also known as lymph glands, are filters that the body uses to fight infections.

If an infection causes swollen lymph nodes, treatment depends on the cause and in some cases, just time and warm compresses may be enough to relieve the condition.

Symptoms of Swollen Lymph Nodes :

Many lymph nodes are found in the head and neck region, as well as in the armpits and groin area, and the lymphatic system is a network of organs, vessels, and lymph nodes that is distributed throughout your body.

Swollen lymph nodes are an indication that something is wrong with the body.

  • lymph nodes that feel tender and painful
  • swelling in the lymph nodes that may be larger than a kidney bean, pea, or even a pea in size

Other indications and symptoms may exist in addition to swollen lymph nodes, depending on the cause, such as:

  • upper respiratory infection symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, fever, and others
  • When your body’s lymph nodes swell generally, it could be a sign of an immune system disorder like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis or an infection like HIV or mononucleosis.
  • Nodes that are hard, fixed, and growing quickly could be lymphoma or cancer.
  • Fever
  • Night sweats

Causes of Swollen Lymph Nodes

The immune system’s specialized cells, which are found inside lymph nodes, filter our lymphatic fluid as it circulates through our bodies and defend us by eradicating invaders. Lymph nodes are tiny, globular or bean-shaped clusters of cells.

The site of the swollen lymph nodes may help identify the underlying cause. Lymph nodes are distributed throughout our bodies in groups, and each group drains a particular area. We may be more likely to notice swelling in certain areas, such as the lymph nodes in our neck, under our chin, in our armpits, and in our groin.

Although an infection, especially a viral infection like the common cold, is the most frequent cause of swollen lymph nodes, there are other potential causes as well.

Common infections

  • Strep throat
  • Measles
  • Ear infections
  • Infected (abscessed) tooth
  • Mononucleosis
  • cellulitis are infections of the skin or wounds.
  • AIDS is brought on by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

Uncommon infections

  • Tuberculosis
  • certain STDs, like syphilis
  • Getting infected with toxoplasmosis, a parasite, requires either eating undercooked meat or coming into contact with cat feces.
  • A bacterial infection caused by a cat bite or scratch is known as cat scratch fever.

Immune system disorders

  • An inflammatory condition that affects your heart, lungs, blood cells, joints, skin, and kidneys is lupus.
  • An inflammatory condition that affects the synovium, the tissue lining your joints, is rheumatoid arthritis.


  • The lymphatic system is where lymphoma, a type of cancer, develops.
  • Cancer of the bone marrow and lymphatic system, as well as other blood-forming tissues, is known as leukemia.
  • Lymph nodes have become the site of the spread of other cancers

Medications like the anti-seizure drug phenytoin (Dilantin) and malaria prevention drugs are two additional potential but uncommon causes.


Abscesses, which are localized collections of pus brought on by infections and contain fluid, white blood cells, dead tissue, and bacteria or other invaders, may form if the infection that is causing our swollen lymph nodes is left untreated. Abscesses may call for drainage and antibiotic treatment.

Hmoeopathic Treatment of Swollen Lymph Nodes

CALCAREA IODIDEThe strange symptom of hardness in the glands is treated well by calcea iodide, which is also a great preventative measure.

CALCAREA FLOUR –Another effective treatment for glandular swelling is calerea flour. Enlargement of the bronchial and mesenteric glands is also common, and it is worse in wet weather and improves with hot fomentations and rubbing.

CALCREA CARBAnother odd sign for choosing Calcarea carb is sweat on the head that is sour and offensive.

SCROPHULARIA NODOSA– Scrophularia is a powerful treatment for nodules in the breasts and is a great way to treat glandular inflammation and suppuration.

GRAPHITESThe abdomen is large and hard, and the axilla, groin, and neck glands are enlarged. Graphites is very effective for these symptoms.

BELLADONNA –For heavy, red, sensitive mammae swellings or axillary swellings that threaten suppuration, as well as those with red streaks radiating from the inflamed gland with great heat and stitching pains, belladonna is a very effective remedy.

LAPIS ALBUSLapis albus treats a variety of growths, including mesenteric gland enlargement.

IODUMIodum is one of the best treatments for enlargement of glands, including tonsils, with wilting of the entire body, muscles contracting, and all skin wrinkling, with the exception of dwindling mammary glands.

CARBO ANIMALISAnother effective treatment for glandular swellings is carbo animalis. These hard, non-suppurating glands do not swell much or enlarge at all.

ACONITUM LYCOTONUM-Aconitum lycotonum is effective for swollen mammary, axillary, and cervical glands as well as in cases where Hodgkin’s disease has been suspected.

It works well in conjunction with belladonna to treat painful, hard, and red glands that are inflamed.

AETHUSA-Aethusa is also helpful for glandular swelling, which is characterized by the growth of glands that encircle the neck like a string of beads.

PHYTOLACCA DEC. –For breast tumors with enlarged axillary glands and glandular swelling accompanied by heat and inflammation, phytolacca dec. is very effective.

**GELSEMIUM -**Gelsemium is also helpful for swelling and inflammation of the lymphatic gland, which manifests as a fever without thirst that begins between ten and eleven in the morning and completely goes away by eight in the evening.

BROMIUMOne of the best treatments for glandular swelling is bromium, which is also helpful for testicular swelling due to the hardness of the glands without a tendency to suppurate.

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