Homeopathic Remedies for Puerperal Fever


Puerperal Fever

This is sepsis generated in the mother after child-birth by germs getting into the uterine cavity through unclean hands or dressing, and finding suitable nidus in remnants of placenta or clots, Fever (upto 106°F.) and rigor, headache, quick pulse, pain in abdomen, sudden stoppage of lochia, of breast secretions and of sweat, fcetid purulent discharge from uterus are the usual symptoms, this disease never takes a chronic form. The condition is grave one and calls for very prompt and skilful treatment.


Aconite Nap. 3x High fever, chill and rigor, quick hard pulse, dry skin, abdomen distended and tender, pain in uterus, much thirst. Verat. Viride 1 Severe rigor or convulsions that endanger life. Give it every 4 or 5 minutes. Bell. 30 Intense pain in abdomen, restlessness, sudden stoppage of breast-milk, throbbing pain in head, face and eyes congested. Nux Vom. 30 If uterus is much involved. Colocynth 6 If abdomen is much distended. Kali Cyanatus 30: Patient cries out when sudden twinges of pain come on, aggravation of pain in the early morning hours. Merc. Cor. 6 Cutting pain in abdomen, making it painful to touch, much thirst, bloody mucus evacuations. Lachesis 6: Intense pain in abdomen, aggravated after waking from sleep. Rhus Tox. 6 Inflammation inside the uterus, paralysing pain in the lower limbs, chronic foetid discharge, typhoid symptoms, Kaliphos. 3x (trit.): An excellent remedy. Pyrogen 6-200 In Pyaemic conditions, if the high fever tends to kill, give Ars. 30 (some prefer Lachesis 6 alternately with Hyoscyamus 6).

Try also—Bryonia 6, Pulsatilla 6, Hamamelis 6, China 6, Apis 6.

Apply warm fomentation over abdomen. If she is unconscious try the usual means—dash of cold water on the face, etc. Observe absolute cleanliness.

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