Homeopathic Remedies for Haematuria


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It means the passage of blood with urine.

Causes: Tubercle or stone in the bladder, parasite (Bilharzia), injury, malaria, pernicious fever, etc.


Terebinthina 3 is an all-round excellent remedy. If due to injury: Arnica 3x-3. In Haematuria with pain in the kidneys: Hamamelis 2x. Haematuria due to exposure to cold: Aconite 1x-3. Bloody urine with red sediments: Ocimum Cannum 3x-30. In cases that are not well understood or intractable, give Cantharis 0, Thlaspi Bursa Ó¨, Senecio 0, Millefolium 1x, or Arsenicum Hydrogenisatum 3 according to their indications.

Keep the patient in bed and let him take only coconut- water, aerated or plain water, milk and milkwhey.

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