
Stomach cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the muscular sac that is just below your ribs in the upper middle of your abdomen and which receives and holds the food you eat before aiding in its digestion.

The two terms stomach cancer and gastric cancer are also used to refer to the most common type of stomach cancer, adenocarcinoma, which develops from cells that produce mucus on the inner lining of the stomach.

There is a direct link between a diet high in smoked, salted, and pickled foods and stomach cancer; however, doctors are unsure of what causes stomach cancer. The incidence of stomach cancer has decreased as refrigeration for food preservation has become more common worldwide.

Generally speaking, cancer starts when a mistake (mutation) in a cell’s DNA occurs. The mutation causes the cell to grow and divide quickly, continuing to live when a normal cell would die. The accumulating cancerous cells then form a tumor that can infiltrate nearby structures. Cancer cells can also break off from the tumor and spread throughout the body.

Fatigue, feeling bloated after eating, feeling full after eating little food, having severe and persistent heartburn, having severe and persistent indigestion, having persistent and unexplained nausea, having persistent stomach pain, having persistent vomiting, and unintentional weight loss are all signs and symptoms of stomach cancer.


CARCINOSIN 1M-the use of this remedy to begin treatment

ACETIC ACID 1X – 30-Anemia, bleeding from the bowels, stomach cancer, intense burning pains in the stomach and chest, as well as epithelial cancer and cancer layers lining the cavities of the alimentary canal, as well as stomach and chest coldness and cold sweats on the forehead can all be caused by this medication.

ARSENICUM ALB. 30-Everything you swallow seems to lodge in your esophagus and does not move down. You may vomit blood, bile, green musus, brown black, or blood mixed with other substances. You may also experience constant stomach pain.

BELLIS PERENNIS 30-Having stomach cancer and esophageal cancer

BISMUTHUM 30-Very simple vomiting of clear water or massive amounts of food that appear to have lingered in the stomach for days

CADMIUM SULPHURICUM 30– Stomach cancer that is growing slowly and accompanied by frequent vomiting

CARBO VEGETABILIS 30-There is excessive flatulence in the stomachLarge amounts of gas cause the stomach to feel full and tense, which causes severe pain that is made worse by lying down. There are also loud eructations from the mouth.

CAUSTICUM 30Lightest food or lightest of pressure over the stomach causes lancinating pains. The patient does not tolerate touch from clothing to the very tender flesh over the stomach.

CHELIDONIUM MAJUS CM-among the signs of chelidonium are stomach cancer.

COLOCYNTH 30-In cases of stomach cancer at the pyloric orifice, this remedy is recommended for sharp, lancinating pains that shoot down the bowels.

CONDURANGO 30Relieves cancer pains. Even a touch on the stomach causes pain. – Stomach cancer typically accompanied by painful cracks in the corners of the mouth, constant cramping and burning pain behind the sternum, and food vomiting.

CROTALUS HOR. 30– Stomach cancer, which is characterized by persistent nausea and vomiting of bloody, slimy mucus.

DIOSCOREA 30– Gas in the stomach and tightness in the muscles

EUCALYPTUS GLOB. QGive 25 drops twice daily if you have stomach cancer and are experiencing bloody vomiting that is also accompanied by sour fluid and a foul odor.

GERANIUM MACULATUM 30-Giving 25 drops every hour until the bleeding stops for a stomach hemorrhage brought on by cancer

GRAPHITES 200– Other symptoms of graphites, including one dose per week for pyloric and duodenal cancer, are present.

Flatulence and gastrointestinal distress following meals are symptoms of HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS 30, a condition that causes stomach ulcers and cancer along with pulsation in the epigastrium.

IODIUM 1X-When a patient has stomach cancer, they may experience constant, ravenous hunger despite the fact that they are constantly losing flesh.

KREOSOTUM 30– Vomiting that has a bad odor and is followed by an abdominal pain

LOBELIA ERNUS 30– Cork screw-like abdominal pains and a rapidly developing stomach peritoneal cancer

NEPENTHES 30-How to treat stomach cancer specifically

NITRIC ACID 30– Pain with stomach cancer

NUX VOMICA 200– Sour fluid vomiting in addition to other Nux symptoms. A dose every day.

ORINITHOGALUM QCancer anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the lower part of the stomach before the start of the intestines. – Painful sinking across the epigastrium and belching of offensive gas. Loss of weight and flesh. Vomiting of coffee-ground-looking material occasionally accompanied by blood.

PHOSPHOROUS 30-Food is difficult to swallow and, once it warms up in the stomach, food and water are vomited. Ice and cold drinks can help to soothe stomach pain.

TUBERCULINUM 200Use it when well-chosen remedies fail to improve and there is rapid emaciation. Should not be prescribed for patients with heart, skin, or intestinal affections. Do not repeat it before 15 days of the first dose and observe the results. – Stomach cancer. The patient is always hungry and tired.

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