Spiders are the largest order of arachnids, have eight legs, and chelicerae with fangs that inject venom. They are the largest order of organisms and rank seventh in total species diversity among all other orders of organisms. Spiders are found worldwide on every continent except Antarctica, and have established themselves in nearly every habitat with the exception of air and sea colonization. There are more than 43,000 different species of spiders in the world.

The list below includes a few homoeopathic medications made from spiders, along with information on their source and clinical applications.

ARANEA DIADEMAIt was established by Gravogl that the Diadem spider, also known as the Papal cross-spider, was widely distributed in both Europe and America.

Because of their hydrogenoid constitution, which is conducive to malarial poisoning and causes abnormal susceptibility to dampness and cold, aranea diadema have a strong effect on the nervous system.

Aranea diadema is a hemorrhagic remedy. Violent hemoptysis of bright red blood in incapacitated subjects, bathing and damp places aggravate, coldness as if bones were made of ice. Patient feels cold to every bones. Coldness is not relieved by anything. Feeling as if parts were enlarged and heavier. Wake up at night with hands feeling twice their natural size. All symptoms of aranea are characterized by periodicity

Many of the symptoms are on the right side of the body and are similar to electric shocks. General symptoms are improved by lying down, but foot aches are made worse by lying down. Headaches are relieved by smoking tobacco. Toothaches occur after lying down at night.

ARANEA IXOBOLAAranea ixobola primarily affects the digestive system, particularly the liver and gall bladder. Immediately following meals, nausea with a feeling of repletion and heaviness in the hepatic region and sharp, shooting pain in the gall bladder. Right sided headache, better in open air. Left sided sciatica, worse standing for a long time. Trembling, sensation of an internal trembling. Symptoms worse from rich food, especially fat, and after drinking alcohol

ARANEA SCINENCIAThe gray spider exhibits the following symptoms: sleepiness; eyes that are inflamed, weak, watery, and lids that are swollen; constant twitching of the lower eyelids; rather profuse flow of saliva; and a sweet taste in the mouth. All symptoms are worse in a warm room; a significant amount of dull, stupid headache that is particularly intense in the upper back part of the head; the inability to rest for it; the inability to collect thoughts with it; and

ARANEUM TELAPeriodic diseases in people who are physically broken down. Black spider web found in barns, cellars, and dark places. Periodic headache with extreme nervous erythism. Obstinate intermittence. Symptoms appear suddenly with cool, clammy skin. Disposition to sleep. Lowers the frequency of pulse by acting on the arterial system. Numbness of the hands and legs, made worse by rest. Persistent chilliness. Cardiac sleeplessness with muscular energy could not be kept in bed-dance

The entire female spider of the black widow spider, or Latrodectus macans, which is primarily found in many southern states and in the subtropical region of the United States, is used to make medicine. Latrodectus was first described by Jones and Tafel in their publication Homoeopathic Register Number Seven in 1889.

Latrodectus mactans is a left-sided remedy that primarily affects the heart, producing the classic symptoms of Angina pectoris, including prostration, restlessness, sharp, violent heart pains that radiate to the shoulders or both arms and fingers, constriction of the chest muscles, and pain that radiates to the shoulders and back. The precordial region appears to be the site of the attack.

Chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenia, decreased coagulability, coronary artery inflammation, chronic hemorrhaging endothelial plasmatic condition, and thin and watery blood are some of the symptoms.

Extreme apnea, intense abdominal pain, nausea, and a sinking feeling in the epigastrium, as well as gasping for air and a sense of impending death.

The skin was as cold as marble, and the entire body was cold.

LATRODECTUS HASSELTI—New South Wales Black Spider. It is effective for chronic blood poisoning. Arrests intense pain in pyremia. Great edema of the area around the wound. Paralysis of the limbs with great muscle wasting. A notable symptom is the delusion of flight. Other symptoms include violent darting, burning pains prior to paralysis, vertigo, and a tendency to fall forward.

LATRODECTUS KATIPO—New Zealand Spider. Affected area turns scarlet red with burning eruptions and stinging pains. Lassitude, faintness, and twitching. Pulse slow; hardly more than twelve or fourteen beats per minute. Nervous twitching throughout the body. Lymphangitis with nervous twitching; entire area edematous and swollen. Limbs become cold and flaccid in fever. A cold, clammy sweat covered the left lower extrem

Mygale is an affective for chorea, especially of the upper limbs. It is a bird spider or black cuban spider that is seen in Brazil and Cuba.

It was proven and introduced by Hering in 1832. Theridion produces hypersensitiveness of the nerves. Sensitive to noise, which penetrates the body. It affects the teeth, causes nausea, chills, and pains all over, strikes the painful parts, etc. It increases vertigo which then causes vertigo. This orange spider, also known as the black spider of curacoa, is seen in the West Indies. The entire spider is used for the preparation on medicine.

It was established by Numez in 1864, N. A. Journal of Hom. 1872, and other authors that the entire spider—TARENTULA HISPANA—is used for the preparation of medicine. This spider is common in South America and south of Europe, particularly Spain.

The symptoms of Tarentula Hispana appear suddenly and violently. The patient is restless, fidgety, hurried in constant motion, though walking is worse. The patient rolls on the ground from side to side or strikes vehemently with his feet, or rolls the head and rubs it to relieve her distress. Tarentula is a good remedy for hysteria. Destructive impulses are seen in Tarentula. They are sensitive to music. Lacks control,

Tarentula suffers from excruciating pains and neuralgias that feel like thousands of needles are stabbing her in the head.

Inability to stop moving, restlessness, and muscle twitching and jerking are all symptoms of chorea, which is effectively treated by tarentula. Walking exacerbates all symptoms.

Periodic symptoms; right-sided remedy; dislike of the colors red, green, and black; desire for and relief from being outside in the cold.

bluish-colored affected areas, felons, abscesses, boils, nymphomania, and excessive sexual elation that borders on manic behavior

TARENTULA CUBENSISThe entire spider is used to make medicine, as demonstrated by Monge in American Journal of Hom. N.S. Vol. 2, 387. The Cuban Spider is a common sight in both Cuba and Mexico.

When infection progresses quickly with alarming prostration, excruciating, burning, or sharp stinging pains, board-like hardness of the affected part, and copious sweat, tartentula cubensis, which primarily affects cellular tissues, can be helpful.

Bubonic plague, as a preventive and curative remedy, especially during the period of invasion, is treated with Tarentula cubensis, which eases the final agony, calms restless feet, and occasionally develops septic chills.

Tarentula cubensis is adapted to treat the most severe forms of inflammation and pain, early and persistent prostration, various types of malignant suppuration, itching, especially genital itching, diphtheria with intense fever and numbing aching pains, carbuncles, bluish abscess, painful gangrene, sleep disrupted by harsh coughing, spasmodic difficulty breathing, and whooping cough.

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