Homeopathy Medicine for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding


Normal menstrual flow typically lasts about five days and occurs every 21 to 35 days. Abnormal uterine bleeding is defined as bleeding that occurs outside of the monthly cycles, when the bleeding lasts for an excessively long time, or when it is extremely heavy.

Due to the fact that not all women with symptoms report having abnormal uterine bleeding, between 3% and 35% of women worldwide may experience this condition, with an estimated 1% of women in the United States being affected.


Abnormal bleeding can result from a variety of factors, including:

  • uterine structural irregularities, such as:
    • Fibroids (uterine muscle growths that are not cancerous)
    • Polyps, which are benign growths on the uterine and cervix linings
  • Uterine cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Anticoagulant blood thinners (drugs that lower the risk of blood clots)
  • Platelet dysfunction
  • Early pregnancy
  • Hormonal changes

This condition may cause your periods to come at different times or not at all. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition where cysts grow in the ovaries. PCOS is caused when certain hormones are out of balance. When this occurs, you may have trouble getting pregnant. You may also experience hair growth on your body and face as well as thinner hair on your scalp.

Menopause– Because of the hormonal changes that occur during menopause, the endometrium, the lining of the uterus, can thicken, which can lead to bleeding or irregular menstrual cycles in terms of their length and intensity, any bleeding in menopausal women should be regarded as abnormal and should be looked into.


There are many different indicators that your bleeding may be abnormal, but some of them include:

  • Menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding)
  • bleeding uncharacteristically (during menopause, after sex, or between periods)
  • Exceptionally long intervals (seven days or more)
  • Inconsistent menstrual cycles


When attempting to identify abnormal uterine bleeding, several inquiries may be made, such as:

  • What causes the blood loss?
  • What additional signs are you displaying?
  • Are you pregnant?

Next, your doctor will conduct a physical examination that includes the following:

    • A pelvic exam
      • Cervical examination
      • A Pap smear


Sabina – For Profuse Bleeding

Sabina Officinalis, also known as Juniperus Sabina or Savine, is a plant whose natural order is Coniferae. Sabina is a remedy made from the young, fresh tops of its branches. Sabina is a top-listed medicine for abnormal uterine bleeding. Females who need Sabina have very profuse periods. The bleeding is gushing, bright red, contains dark clots, and may even be offensive. Slight motion worsens

Thlaspi – For Bleeding with Prolonged Periods

Thlaspi, also known as Shepherd’s Purse, is a preparation made from a plant of the cruciferae family called Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris. It is very effective in treating abnormal uterine bleeding, which occurs when periods last for an excessively long time, are profuse, include clotting, and are accompanied by severe uterine cramping and colic.

Phosphorus – For Inter-menstrual Bleeding

When uterine bleeding is abnormal and bright red, there may be accompanying complaints of excessively long and frequent periods as well as severe back pain and weakness. Phosphorus is a highly valuable remedy to manage abnormal uterine bleeding.

Ferrum Met – For Pale, Watery, Profuse Blood Flow

Ferrum Met is an important medication to manage abnormal uterine bleeding in cases where the blood flow is pale, watery, profuse, and increases with even the smallest movement. The bleeding is prolonged, the face may become fiery red during periods, and it may occasionally be accompanied by ringing in the ears. Marked debility is present with the aforementioned features. Anaemia may be present in females needing Ferrum Met.

Trillium Pendulum – For Profuse and Bright Red Bleeding

Trillium Pendulum is a highly effective remedy for treating abnormal uterine bleeding that is profuse and bright red, gushing in nature, accompanied by backache and hip pain, a great bearing-down sensation in the pelvis that gets worse when walking and standing, and may even result in dizziness and fainting. Trillium Pendulum is made from the fresh root of a plant known as Three-leaved Nightshade of the natural order Smilaceae.

Sepia – When Bleeding arises after Sexual Intercourse

In addition to being indicated for profuse periods where flow is most excessive at night, Sepia is also indicated for abnormal uterine bleeding with complaints of bleeding after sexual contact, bleeding that is accompanied by a nagging pelvic pain, and feelings of sadness and irritability as well as a headache.

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