Homeopathy Medicine for Asbestosis


Inhaling asbestos fibers can lead to a chronic lung disease called asbestosis, which can cause lung tissue scarring and breathing difficulties. Asbestosis symptoms can range from mild to severe, but they typically don’t manifest themselves for many years after prolonged exposure.

Asbestos, a heat- and corrosion-resistant natural mineral product, was previously widely used in cement, some floor tiles, insulation, and other goods.

It is highly unlikely to develop asbestosis if you follow your employer’s safety procedures. Treatment focuses on managing your symptoms. Before the federal government started regulating the use of asbestos and asbestos products in the 1970s, the majority of people with asbestosis contracted it at work.


Asbestosis symptoms and signs can include: Asbestosis signs and symptoms can include: Asbestosis symptoms and signs typically appear 10 to 40 years after initial exposure.

  • Shortness of breath
  • A persistent, dry cough
  • appetite loss accompanied by weight loss
  • Wider and rounder-looking than usual finger and toe tips (clubbing)
  • Chest tightness or pain


Asbestos fibers irritate and scar lung tissue, making the lungs stiff and making it difficult to breathe if you are exposed to high levels of asbestos dust over an extended period of time.

Your lung tissue eventually stiffens up to the point where it can’t normally contract and expand as asbestosis progresses and scars more and more lung tissue.

The retention of asbestos fibers in the lungs seems to increase with cigarette smoking, and the disease is frequently diagnosed earlier as a result.

Risk factors:

Before the late 1970s, those who worked in asbestos mining, milling, manufacturing, installation, or removal were at risk of developing asbestosis. Some examples include:

  • Asbestos miners
  • Aircraft and auto mechanics
  • Boiler operators
  • Building construction workers
  • Electricians
  • Railroad workers
  • Shipyard workers
  • Older buildings’ steam pipes’ asbestos insulation is being removed by workers.

As long as the asbestos fibers are contained and not released into the air, it is generally safe to be around materials made with asbestos.


If you smoke or have a history of smoking, you are more likely to develop lung cancer if you have asbestosis.


In the United States, federal law requires employers in industries that work with asbestos products, such as construction, to take special safety measures. Reducing exposure to asbestos is the best prevention against asbestosis.

There are many materials in homes constructed before the 1970s that contain asbestos, including pipes and floor tiles. As long as the asbestos is contained and unaltered, there is generally no reason for concern.


Because the signs and symptoms of asbestosis are similar to many other types of respiratory diseases, diagnosing the condition can be challenging. A number of diagnostic tests may be required to make the diagnosis.


Rhustux, Acid Flour, Belladona, and Apismel.

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