Homeopathy Medicine for Lichen Planus


One to two percent of the general population are affected by lichen planus, a common inflammatory disease of the mouth and skin that is named after the flat lichen plant that grows on rocks and trees.

The medical community currently finds little help for this chronic disease, but homeopathy, the rapidly expanding alternative medicine, has a definite, promising treatment for Lichen Planus. LP is not an infectious disease; it is impossible to catch it from someone else or to give it to someone else; it does not appear to be inherited; and it is not related to nutrition.


Although there are many theories to explain Lichen Planus, most dermatologists believe it can be classified as an autoimmune disease. This means that while there are many theories to explain Lichen Planus, most dermatologists believe it can be classified as an autoimmune disease. Lichen Planus is an inflammatory disease that affects the skin, the mouth (oral), or both. It may also affect the genital skin.

Long-term use of quinacrine or guanidine (used for malaria, certain microscopic organisms, and worms) may result in hypertrophic lichen planus of the lower legs and other skin and body-wide (systemic) disturbances, including hypertrophic lichen planus.

How is the rash of lichen planus different from that of most other common rashes ?

Lichen planus is most notable for being different fromeczema, psoriasisThe textbooks refer to it as “violaceous” due to its color, which is lilac or violet, and other common rashes.

It can affect any part of the body, but seems to favor the inside of the wrists and ankles. Lichen planus of the skin is characterized by reddish-purple, flat-topped bumps that may be very itchy. Some may have a white lacy appearance called Wickham’s Striae. The disease can also occur on the lower back, neck, legs, genitals, and, in rare cases, the scalp and nails.

Lichen Planus psoriasis eczema


A person’s level of itchiness from mild to severe depends on their lichen planus severity.

The first attack of lichen planus may last for weeks or months, and recurrences may occur for years. Children are not frequently affected by lichen planus. At the beginning of the disease, new bumps may appear at sites of minor skin injury, such as a superficial scratch.

Skin, Mouth, Nails, Scalp, Genitals

It is not a requirement that every patient with lichen planus will have all of the aforementioned body parts affected. Lichen planus primarily affects the skin, but it can also affect the mouth (oral lichen planus), the scalp, the nails, or the genitals. In males, it may affect the glans of the penis, and in females, it may affect the vulva or vagina. It can be said that more areas affected, more difficult to treat. Additionally,

Lichen Planus and Hepatitis

Although the precise connection and causal link between the two entities have not been established, some of the most recent studies have shown a co-association of Lichen Planus with a rare variety of. Patients with Hepatitis C have some susceptibility to develop Lichen Planus; the reverse is not true.


There is raw, red, inflamed skin with itching, which is made worse by eating salt, at the seashore. **NATRUM MUR -**Useful for dry eruptions, especially on margin of hairy scalp and bends of joints.

THUJA–Useful for persistent skin problems and chronic, hard-to-treat skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, warts, pyoderma, etc. There is a tendency to have unhealthy skin. Suitable for patients who do better in dry weather and do worse in humid climates and damp conditions.

ARSENIC IOD –Exfoliation of large scales that leave behind raw exuding surface makes this a very effective medicine for skin conditions like lichen planus, eczema, and psoriasis where there is marked itching and exfoliation of the skin.

Ignita is useful for excoriation, especially around the mouth and vagina. It helps with itching and nettle rash. There is a great sensitivity to air drafts.

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